EcoLogical. Empowering. Engaging.

National Park Project Lead

Research Assistant

Wildlife Biologist
January 2020 to Present
The Rocky Mountain National Parks in Alberta and British Columbia are iconic landscapes whose management often sets precedent for other parks across the country. Working with the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Southern Alberta Chapter, I am defining input into the national park management plans and defining requirements for a visitor management strategy in Canada's oldest National Parks.
September 2022 to Present
It is my honour to work with the Stoney Nakoda Nation on a cultural monitoring project examining grizzly bears and people in Kananaskis. This project is weaving ways of knowing by using Indigenous Knowledge to amplify our understanding of grizzly bear habitat use and coexistence with people from Lake Minnewanka to the Elbow-Sheep valley in Kananaskis. My role is to review western science and to work with the Stoney Consultation Team to weave it with the knowledge from technicians and elders to create a series of recommendations that will inform grizzly bear management.
January 2023 to Present
Working with McElhanney in Canmore, I will be analysing wildlife data and providing recommendations associated with trails management in and around Canmore. This is part of a much larger project, led by McElhanney, to create an Canmore and Area Trails Strategy.
Previous Work
As an interdisciplinary researcher, my career has been varied. While the projects below share some of my professional successes, I will be the first to admit that I haven't accomplishment anything alone. I continually rely on a talented and committed network of colleagues. Working with others inspires me to define unique solutions that are applicable in real life and empower people to take action in their daily personal and professional lives. I bring a diverse set of skills and experiences to all of my work. Feel free to contact me to learn more about any of my previous projects. Please check out my full resume.

Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan Review
June - November 2022
With the latest grizzly bear population estimates for Alberta being released, the Exposed Wildlife Conservancy hired me to do a review of the recovery plan. This review includes identification of barriers to grizzly bear recovery and recommendations for improved effectiveness.
Research Assistant
March 2020 to April 2022
The Stoney First Nation has developed a cultural monitoring program to examine and inform wildlife management from a more holistic perspective. I have worked with the Stoney Consultation Team to weave Indigenous Knowledge with Western Science to inform management of bison in Banff National Park and grizzly bear management in Kananaskis Country, Alberta. These projects exemplify holistic park planning and management.

Grant Writer
June 2021
I worked with the Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley to draft and submit several grant proposals to various foundations. We were successful in raising over $100,000 for conservation initiatives in the Bow Valley.
Corridor Data Analysis and Recommendations
March 2020
The Three Sisters Mountain Village wildlife corridor was officially designated by the Alberta Government in February 2020. Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative hired me to analyse available remote camera data and make recommendations pertaining to corridor effectiveness. The final report was presented to the Town of Canmore in their municipal planning process

Human-Bear Coexistence - Bear Safety and More
I have worked on several projects with Bear Safety and More, an Albera company that advises businesses on how to reduce human-bear conflict. Through this work, I have provided recommendations for commercial operations, including ski hills and cruise ship companies. I also created a human-bear encounter response matrix and monitoring plans for commercial operators to measure project impacts on human-bear conflict risk.
Park Planning - Alberta Parks
As a Park Planner with Kananaskis Region, I created facility plans that met multiple ecological and social objectives. My plan for the Lower Kananaskis River - Barrier Lake area improved wildlife corridor functionality, improved the visitor experience, and addressed First Nations concerns. Throughout drafting this plan, I worked extensively with stakeholders and First Nations. I also conducted comprehensive ecological spatial analyses and public consultation.

Community Engagement - ArtsPlace Canmore
With this small contract, I stepped outside of ecology and parks to work with our local arts centre. I designed a public engagement project to inform arts programming based on community needs. I based my final report on an online survey and focus groups .
Grizzly Bears and Trail Users - PhD research
My PhD research integrated grizzly bear habitat use data and a trail user survey in Canada's Rocky Mountain National Parks (Banff, Kootenay, Yoho, and Jasper). I used remote camera and bear gps collar data to examine grizzly habitat selection and conducted a comprehensive trail user survey to define visitor expectations regarding management. I defined management recommendations that simultaneously improved grizzly bear habitat security and met trail user expectations. Explore my full thesis.

Influencing Protected Areas Management - CPAWS Southern Alberta
As the Senior Conservation Planner, I was responsible for leading CPAWS Southern Alberta's conservation program. I designed and implemented campaigns for protected areas, such as the Castle Provincial Parks. I worked with diverse stakeholders to influence and review management plans, aiming to improve management effectiveness within the contexts of legislation and protected area mandates.
Bear-Viewing Impacts and Management - Masters research and work with BC Parks
My Masters research focused on understanding the impacts of bear-viewing in the K'tzim-a-deen Grizzly Bear Sanctuary in northern BC. I integrated bear behaviour data with visitor perceptions of impact and tour satisfaction. My results directly influenced bear-viewing guidelines for British Columbia and are still reflected in the management plan for the K'tzim-a-deen. This work also involved working closely with the T'simshian First Nation. I also designed and built the park visitor centre. This project had many moving parts. You can explore my thesis, or contact me to learn more.